Taking advantage of all four flavors (sweet, spicy, sour and bitter,) Thai food is one of the most complex types out there. Karen and I took a 9-dish cooking class in Chiang Mai to learn 9 of our favorite dishes. We took it at Taste from Heaven, a great vegetarian restaurant and cooking school. The total cost of the class was 900 baht, or $23, and included a recipe book for all the dishes, handy for when I'm home and can’t remember the exact ingredients for green chili powder. By chance, no one else signed up that morning, so we got a private lesson from the chef and his assistant. The kitchen was an outdoor covered patio on the second floor of the building, so we had a great breeze and view of the monsooning sky. Below are some photo highlights:
Mango and coconut sticky rice - Quite possibly better than chocolate cake. For those of you who know me well, that is something indeed.
From Make Me One With Everything |
The only dish that gives mango-coconut sticky rice a run for its money - khow soi, a mix of indian, panang and masala curries with veggies and noodles inside and fried noodles on top.
From Make Me One With Everything |
Love the pictures and looks delicious. Better than chocolate cake? Must teach me when you return. Love all your pictures and descriptions. :)